Hi! I'm Mike Du

Learning is like rowing upstream; to stop is to fall behind.
-Ancient Chinese Proverb

About Me

I am currently a 1B Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.


My résumé is here, and my Github is here.


Work in progress! A compilation of projects from high school and university.

Some other interests


I am currently learning how to play accordion. I can play, with varying amounts of skill, the piano, trumpet, baritone, clarinet, and saxophone.


I'm not very good, but I'm always up to relax with a game of chess. Find me on Lichess.


I am a speedcuber; my PB is 12.82s, achieved with CFOP on a GAN356M.


I consider myself to be somewhat of a urbanist. Here are some websites on this topic. Yes, the website favicon is Line 1 inspired.
  • Steve Munro. Blog with thoughts from Toronto's transit guru/streetcar saviour.
  • Strong Towns , about the insustainability of the modern North American suburb.